What would happen if you became hospitalized because of illness or injury during a trip? How would you manage getting back to your home country hospital of choice… close to your family, trusted physicians, and in-network insurance?
Medjet provides peace of mind knowing there is an unsurpassed team of professionals who would arrange for your air medical transport back to the hospital of your choice. All you pay is your membership fee for this comprehensive protection.

Medjet is not insurance, it is a membership program for travelers.
Unlike an insurance company or platinum card service, they have no deductibles, no claim forms and no monetary caps on air medical transport costs. Members don’t need to have a transport deemed “medically necessary.” Medjet memberships provide travelers with unrivaled control over their health and safety.
Medjet Membership Options & Benefits:
MEDJETASSIST Air Medical Travel Protection
As a MedjetAssist member, if you become hospitalized internationally or domestically — 150 miles or more from your primary residence — Medjet will arrange medical transportation to a home-country hospital of your choice for inpatient care. All you pay is your yearly membership fee.
Additional Benefits Include:
• Medical Consultation
• Transfer of Mortal Remains
MEDJETHORIZON Medical, Security, Crisis Response
In addition to the medical transport benefits of MedjetAssist, MedjetHorizon members gain access to an unprecedented suite of security, health and travel services. MedjetHorizon offers a 24/7 Crisis Response Center staffed by veteran security experts who provide crisis consultation and coordinated in-country response services. Security and crisis response services are not dependent on government issued “hard triggers” and relate to the following events: Violent Crime • Political Threat • Terrorism • Natural Disaster • Pandemic • Disappearance of Persons • Kidnapping for Ransom • Hijacking • Wrongful Detention • Blackmail and Extortion
Additional Benefits Include:
• Ground Ambulance Transfer
• Specialty Hospital Transfer
• Personal Travel Advisories
• Medical Emergency Cash Advance
*Travel Security | Powered by FocusPoint International, Inc.
Short-term and annual memberships are available for individuals and families for the above options.
Contact Wanderlust Travel Boutique for more information about Medjet offerings that provide peace of mind for future travels.

Contact Us:
Jamie Jackson: (336) 263-1977 or [email protected]
Luxury Travel Advisor and Virtuoso Wellness Travel community member at Wanderlust Travel Boutique
At Wanderlust Travel Boutique, we will create a truly personalized, hassle-free vacation with a comprehensive itinerary, so you can enjoy an unforgettable experience.
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